What is the General Church?
The General Church of the New Jerusalem is a global Christian denomination which promotes the teachings of the Heavenly Doctrines and a life according to them. The General Church supports church societies and members by providing doctrinal instruction, fostering community, and supporting religious education.
What membership means:
Joining a community of people with shared values. Our church communities are enriched and sustained by the mutual loves we hold. Officially joining the General Church is another statement of those values, and an affirmation of your role as a church member.
Having the ability to more fully serve and be served by your church. When you become a member of the General Church:
- You can become a member of a local society
- You can vote in local society elections for leadership positions
- You can serve in leadership positions for your local society, and for the General Church.
- You can vote in the affirmation process of the bishop
- You can join the General Church corporation
There is power in service. Please join the General Church and help us serve our neighbors.
To become a member of the General Church:
- you must be at least 20 years old;
- be baptized into the New Church and
- agree with the purpose and principles of the General Church.
You can download and complete the membership application and mail it to the Office of the Bishop, PO Box 743, Bryn Athyn, PA, USA 19009-0708, or you may submit the form below.
To register over the phone, or if you need assistance, call (267) 508-2124 to speak with Member Services.
Online form for General Church membership
I hereby apply to be received as a member of The General Church of the New Jerusalem.