In this section you will find a wealth of online resources.
Read Swedenborg
For those seeking a more precise understanding of Swedenborg's books or the inner meaning of the Lord's Word, Swedenborgian resources make it easy to find specific passages and learn correspondences. Visit our online store to browse a variety of materials based on New Church thought and the writings of Swedenborg.
Bible study
Here you will find helpful research tools for anyone wanting to better understand the Bible.
Sunday School resources
We offer a variety of materials to assist with New Church education in all its forms, including Sunday School and religion in the home. Use this section to browse through select educational materials.
Spiritual growth ("Journey") programs
The New Church continually offers spiritual growth programs. The programs are available for online participation.
Support for marriage
Marriage is important to us. We are here to offer marriage support to people both before and during the process of building a marriage.
Sermons, talks and classes
Find and listen to or read sermons, talks, and doctrinal classes recorded in various New Church locations.
Podcasts and Videos
Day to day audio and video content to uplift your week!
Other resources
Other online resources of interest, for searching the Bible, preparing religious instruction for children, finding music to accompany a New Church worship service, etc.
New Church publications represent the different aspects of church life and seek to provide enriching material for those wanting to deepen their faith, share New Church teachings with others, or learn about the organization's initiatives.
Here you will find blogs and opportunities to discuss topics of spiritual interest.
Read New Church organizational policies to govern its activities (eg, privacy policy, sexual abuse prevention, equal employment opportunity).