New Church Groups

New Church groups are all about bringing people together for spiritual connection and community. There’s something deeply satisfying and fulfilling about building spiritual relationships with the Lord, the Word, and with each other in person or through a live online presence. Gain understanding and empathy. Get closer to the heart and soul. Feel recharged and renewed.

Check out the groups listed here. Most are online (via Zoom). A few are in-person only. For details about a group and its leader, contact us at [email protected] or (267) 508-2124. Also, would you like to have your group listed here? Let us know!

Becoming: A Women's Support Group

Led by Charlotte Gyllenhaal | Thursdays 8 pm ET | Online

We are constantly growing, changing, evolving - becoming. Join us as we explore the process together! This group is currently full. If you are interested in joining a waitlist, email us at [email protected]

Our Inflowing Mental Life 

Led by Pastor Grant Odhner | Tuesday, Sept 12, 8 pm GMT+1 | Online

In Arcana Coelestia by Emanuel Swedenborg there is a section about "our inflowing mental life."  It is a fascinating look at the nature of our mind—of the fact that our affections and thoughts inflow from the spiritual world, through spirits and angels associated with us. There will be 6 classes; one per month on Tuesday evenings. If you are interested in participating, contact us at [email protected].

Reading the Gospels

Led by Rev. Andy Dibb | Thursdays 7:30 pm ET | Online

Join Andy Dibb on a walk through the gospels! All are welcome, so grab your Bible and come along as we read and discuss the New Testament. See you there! Join on Zoom or reach out to Andy at [email protected].

Bible Deeper Study

Led by Rev. Jean Atta | Wednesdays 6:30 pm MT | Online

Come study the Word with us! We read the Word of God, explain its Deeper meaning, and see how it applies to life. All are welcome.  Join on Zoom or contact Jean at [email protected]

Pittsburgh New Church Scripture Study Class

Led by Rev. Jared Buss | Every 4th Thursday 7:30 pm | Pittsburgh New Church, PA

This class is simply about gathering to read the Word together, and pausing to discuss and reflect on its meaning and application to our lives. This is an in-person event. To get the address and connect with the group leader, contact [email protected].

Swedenborg Book Study

Led by Nathan Gladish | Twice monthly on Thursdays 8 pm ET | Online

This class studies books by Emanuel Swedenborg and welcomes participants' thoughtful questions and comments. Pastor Nathan Gladish facilitates open-ended discussion with lots of participation, and welcomes anyone with an interest in Swedenborg's amazing theological approach. For more information or a schedule of readings and meeting dates, contact Nathan at [email protected]. To join the Zoom call, click here.

Discussing Swedenborg

Led by John Odhner and Mary Valentine | Thursdays 7:30 pm ET | Online

Have you found value in Swedenborg's books and their approach to God, heaven, the Bible, and spiritual life? This group is for you! We discuss passages from the Bible and Swedenborg, and invite everyone to share their own perspectives, questions, or insights. The meeting generally lasts two hours, but you are welcome to join for any portion of that time. Email [email protected] or join on Zoom.

Read, Share, Pray

Led by Nathan and Elise Gladish | Wednesdays 8 pm ET | Online

This one-hour weekly group experience is an opportunity to get to know the Lord's Word and one another better by exploring what the Lord teaches us and praying for help in applying what we learn to our daily lives. Read the Word and the works of Swedenborg, share insights with each other, and pray for help to do the Lord's will. Contact us to learn more [email protected] or join on Zoom.

That Was Then, This is Now - Caring for our Elderly Parents

Led by Nina Cooper Dewees | 2nd Wednesdays 7:15 pm ET | Online

After helping to care for her own mom in the final years of her life, Nina realized how significant and challenging this chapter of life can be for caregivers. This group supports those caring for their aging parents by creating a space to check-in, share experiences, and discuss various topics. Contact us to get in touch with Nina, and she will add you to the reminder email list and give you the zoom link: [email protected].

Heaven and Hell

Led by Rev. Jean Atta | Mondays 6 pm MT | Online

Would you like to know more about Heaven and Hell? Join this group! Come explore and discuss with us - link to source material below. We look forward to having you! Access the book online hereJoin on Zoom or contact Jean at [email protected].

Reading and Understanding Arcana Caelestia

Led by Rev. Eric Carswell | Thursdays 4 pm ET | Cairnwood Village, PA
This group enjoys exploring the internal sense of Genesis and Exodus through the 12-volume work published by Emanuel Swedenborg. Each class covers approximately 20 pages of reading per week. The emphasis is on how these teachings show up in our lives. Attend in person or by phone. Contact [email protected] for details.

Young Adults Zoom

Led by Jake Olsen | Mondays 8:30 pm ET | Online

This group discusses the "topic of the day," which is anything of interest that the group would like to chat about on that given Monday.  Join on Zoom or contact Jacob at [email protected].

What we do

  • Help you find or create a New Church group that fits your spiritual interests and needs, because we believe the world needs more spiritually oriented community-building groups.
  • Provide guidance and support to help leaders and groups succeed in their goals. Our simple, powerful methods of building community in groups are based on decades of experience by collaborative leaders.
  • Offer web-based resources as well as personalized leadership training and mentoring. We share time-tested recommendations that encourage and empower people to find or create spiritual community in groups.

Why do we care?

  • We want you to enjoy what Jesus promised His disciples: “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20)
  • We want you to experience spiritual life in relationship with others: “All the life a person has comes from the Lord by way of communities.” (Emanuel Swedenborg, Arcana Coelestia 8794)
  • We are eager to help you make heavenly community a down-to-earth part of your daily life!
  • Whether you recently learned about the New Church or you are already involved in a congregation, we hope participating in New Church groups will bring you added blessings.

Daily Inspiration

"It is through wisdom that love has power."

True Christianity 748.2