Sunday School resources

General Church Education provides materials and opportunities for learning according to the Lord's Word. Great for Sunday School and home worship!

We serve Sunday School teachers and ministers, schools and teachers affiliated with the General Church of the New Jerusalem (the legal name of our organization), and people of all ages and affiliations who wish to learn about the Lord God Jesus Christ. To support them in this vital work, we offer a variety of materials to assist with education from a New Church perspective.

Find resources for home and Sunday School (at our website), including:

  • Scripted lessons for children of all ages
  • Tips and ideas for developing and maintaining a thriving Sunday School program
  • Sunday School lessons to support the "Journey" spiritual growth programs
  • Videos: Bible stories, songs, projects, object lessons and explorations of spiritual ideas.

Read more about our schools and their history, and our philosophy of education at


Find more at New Church Vineyard has materials for all ages from preschool children through adults on multiple spiritual themes

Daily Inspiration

"It is through wisdom that love has power."

True Christianity 748.2