Start a congregation

While we are an international church with congregations all over the world, we don’t have churches everywhere. We recognize that many who share interests in New Church teachings are not going to be near a congregation. We frequently get requests from people wishing to plant a new New Church congregation near them, since they love what they see about New Church beliefs and theology.

How can you have a New Church congregation nearby?

We aren't a church planting organization, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t have a New Church group in your community. We offer a great many resources that you can use to worship and be involved with the New Church; either in your home, or in a small group setting. Read the resources in this section to get started. And if you are already a pastor with your own congregation, we can help you learn more about New Church theology to use in your ministry.

Daily Inspiration

"It is through wisdom that love has power."

True Christianity 748.2