"It is no more possible for God to be absent from us than it is for the sun to be absent from our earth" (True Christianity 70.2). But just like a long, hard winter, there can be difficult times in life where we feel alone and in a dark, cold valley.
In this issue we hope you find: courage to sit with feelings of loneliness; perspective on tangible steps you can take to serve others in times of loneliness; and hope no matter your external situation. As Kent Rogers describes, I hope you will feel "lifted up on the simple, singular, same and soft task of loving others to the best of our ability in each moment."
What steps today can you take to be present with another? To reach out? To serve? To combat loneliness you feel inside or see in another with a compassionate and open heart?
"I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship." (Brene Brown)
Managing Editor
& Creative Director
Articles in this issue
What Scripture says about loneliness
Though it may not always feel like it, we are never truly alone. Here are some quotes that help show the Lord is always with…
Being alone with God
Sometimes it's good to remove ourselves from the distractions in our lives and really focus on our relationship with God. Rich shares his story of…
Seeking answers about loneliness
Rev. John Odhner explores questions about why community is important not only for us but for God as well, and why God sometimes feels distant…
When God seems silent
Why does God feel more distant from us when we are undergoing heavy life trials? The answer comes down to one word: love.
Changing lives: from contradiction to confirmation
With her love of sharing God's teachings, Stephanie tells us how discovering the New Church felt like puzzle pieces being put together.
Miracles (small group Bible study)
Throughout Jesus’ life he is working miracles in the lives of people he touches. Sometimes in our own lives feel like we need a miracle.…