Read more about crisis and grief in these articles, videos, etc.
A mantra to use during hard times
How can you remain at peace during hard times?
Does God stop evil, or let it happen for a purpose?
Evil is destructive. Does God stop any of it? Why doesn't God stop all evil?
Why do bad things happen to good people?
If a loving God designed the world and created us, why would He let us suffer?
Six myths about pandemics and disease
Ten ways to beat anxiety during difficult times
Trying times can bring fear and anxiety. Here are some ways to cope.
Why diseases and pandemics?
Why Does God Let Pandemics Happen?
How to let go of control: dealing with loss and trauma
Bri had a history with grief. See how she pulled herself out of those dark times into a place of mind-body connection and spiritual calm.
Dealing with grief
Ali Childs shares her personal experience with loss and helps show how to cope with different forms of grief.
Supporting those in grief
What are some of the things that we can do to help somebody after the death of a loved one?
Finding hope
In the hard times in our life we need hope, something to cling to and to draw us upward.
Living in the moment
Are you consumed with worries about the future? Or the past?
What’s the point of life in this world?
Sometimes, in the midst of all the busyness and hard times in life, we need to take a step back and ask what’s the point?
The permission of evil
These 2 children & adult sermons explore why the Lord needs to allow unhappiness, and what He does afterwards to help us and restore us.
Hope anyway
Despair can cause pain and anxiety and can influence our choices in harmful ways. We explore why despair is so challenging, and offer hope for…
God meant it for good
Why do bad things happen? Is God really in control?
Dealing with doubt
In the throes of doubt, approaching the Lord and His Word may seem counterintuitive. But, we can take steps to deal with doubt and the…
Seeking answers – life is full of questions
Handling worry is challenging, but there is a hopeful path that we can all choose. Here are some simple and thoughtful insights into questions about…
Live with less anxiety and more joy
Worry and impatience impact our lives every day. In this article, Rev. David Roth reminds us of some Biblical suggestions for diffusing anxiety and living…
Real challenges: reconciling anger at God
Many people feel angry at God after losing a loved one. Rev. Glenn Alden explores the process of facing and letting go of this anger.
Why does a loving God permit evil?
When we are struggling in our lives or when tragedy occurs, we often wonder why God (who we are told is all-loving) would allow such…
Seeking answers about difficult times
When we come across hardships in our lives or in the lives of those we love, we quite often question God's role in difficult times.
Is it all in God’s hands?
So often we can feel weighed down by horrible events in the world. Explore ways we can deal with these terrible situations around us.
Inviting the Lord into challenging experiences
In troubling times, it can feel like God is far away from us. Here are some quotes to remind us that during these moments He's…
When God seems silent
Why does God feel more distant from us when we are undergoing heavy life trials? The answer comes down to one word: love.
At peace with the puzzle
Life can be hard. We are often faced with a challenge of how to make the pieces of the puzzle in our life match up.…
How do I tolerate the intolerable?
Is there a time in your life which was simply intolerable? It couldn't get any worse? Does God have something to say about how to…
We need to listen. We need to hear the impact Bullying has on others. We are all God's children and there are answers.
Personal crisis and spiritual growth
Does God withdraw from us and test us?
God doesn’t make bad things happen
Why are bad things permitted to happen?
Getting through what you are going through
Everyone faces hard times in their life. Finding ways to get through what we are going through is incredibly hard.
You get your hopes up, and find them dashed. You fail and your goals, hopes, beliefs, loves, decisions, desires, dreams can't happen. Then what?
11 years later – a journey through the loss of a child
Kim and Jon Smith share their journey through the loss of their beloved daughter Tyler to cancer 11 years ago.
Escape from Alcatraz
What imprisons you?
Surviving the storm
What does the Bible teach us about surviving storms in our lives?