At the moviesJuly 25 - August 1, 2010

It's interesting how theological themes can show up in movie films. In this series, we look at examples on the themes of repentance and reformation. Repentance is where God is asking us to rethink. Can we do moral inventory, acknowledge areas where we are off base, pray, and then start a new life? After repentance, we move to a time of reformation. Think of reformation as restructuring your life with God's help. When have repented, and worked on reformation, then God can enter with His loving mercy, giving us a new heart. That is the essence of a third and last "r" - regeneration.

Note, the film clips referenced have been removed for copyright protection of the owners of the original works.


Reformation & Regeneration 

Daily Inspiration

"It is through wisdom that love has power."

True Christianity 748.2