Integrity is walking the talk when it comes to living our true values, and being authentic.

Integrity quiz: how are you showing up?

Integrity is walking the talk when it comes to living our true values, and being authentic. It is all about telling the truth about ourselves, to ourselves, and to others. Many of us are quick to judge and criticize others who act out of integrity while believing we are, in fact, the ones acting in integrity. However, when we look at our actual day-to-day, minute-by-minute behaviors this is often clearly not the case. Truth be told, many of us are just as prone as others to separate from our core values and act out of integrity when it's convenient in some way. Why? What does acting out of integrity get us? One answer is that our basic ego needs control recognition and security get in the way of acting in integrity — often moving away from our true and authentic self.

So, do you think, feel and believe you live your core values? Do you show up in integrity, when you are alone, when you are in relationship with others?

Take this self-assessment and explore who you are and how you are when it comes to integrity.

1On an integrity scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high), how would you rate yourself when it comes to the following behaviors:

  1. Gossiping;
  2. Bullying;
  3. Viewing or downloading porn;
  4. Stealing physical materials;
  5. Stealing intellectual property;
  6. Stealing time;
  7. Telling the truth;
  8. Taking responsibility for your piece of a job;
  9. Making excuses;
  10. Being direct, open and honest in your communications;
  11. Respecting others;
  12. Living your values;
  13. Reporting your earnings honestly?

2Who or what usually takes you out of integrity?

3When you're out of integrity, what kind of self-talk do you engage in?

4Do your needs for control, recognition and security take you out of integrity?

5Do you lie to yourself about being in integrity? If so, why?

6Does it matter to you that you are out of integrity?

7Do you use the same definition to define integrity for yourself and for others? If not, why not?

8Do you respond or react if others act out of integrity and their actions directly affect you?

9Do you respond or react if others act out of integrity and their actions affect your family, your community or those with whom you work?

10Do you ever excuse, justify or rationalize your being out of integrity? If so, when and why?

So, how did you do with your self-assessment? What did you see or discover about yourself?

Adapted with permission.

©2012, Peter G. Vajda, Ph.D. and True North Partnering. All rights in all media reserved. You may reprint this article as long as the article is printed in its entirety, including the author’s information.

Peter G. Vajda, Ph.D, C.P.C. is the founder of True North Partnering an Atlanta-based company that supports conscious living through coaching and facilitating. With a practice based on the dynamic intersection of mind, body, emotion and spirit, Peter’s approach focuses on personal, business, relational and spiritual coaching. He is a professional speaker and published author. For more information, see, or pvajda(at), or phone 770.804.9125. You can also follow Peter on Twitter: @petergvajda

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"It is through wisdom that love has power."

True Christianity 748.2