Let your life speakMay 31 - June 21, 2015

We are born with a gift

You have a God given gift. How do we live into it? That takes some work! Join us as we look at the topic of Vocation.

Our path will wind

As God moves us forward in our lives, we know more about our call and we know as well, paradoxically, that the way forward will wind. Join us for this special service as we hear about the winding path and hear as well one person's story. That person is Andrew, a 14 year old who lost his father to addiction.

There will be a moment...

God is always reaching out to us, talking to us. Frequently we don't recognize it. But there may be moments when we can slow down to see it. What is your calling?

You will come to know it... and your life will speak

You will discover it! You will find your vocation, or more probably, your vocation, your God-given call will find you. How will that look? Watch in the video below.

Daily Inspiration

"It is through wisdom that love has power."

True Christianity 748.2