“Lord I believe, help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24). There are times when I find myself in this moment of belief and unbelief. The Bible is filled with such contradiction, paradox, uncertainty. And so is life.
“God is everywhere, yet not in space” (Divine Love and Wisdom 130). Easter is the perfect time to reflect on God’s presence in our lives, especially in times of darkness and confusion.
Everyone doubts. Our spiritual lives are richer for those times of doubt, despair, and disbelief. I encourage you to wrestle with your doubt. Learn from it. Be honest and stay open. I hope that the content provided here acknowledges and honors the parts of you in doubt, despair, and disbelief. May it lift you up so you have more and more moments where you know and feel the Lord’s presence.
Managing Editor
& Creative Director
Articles in this issue
Dealing with doubt
In the throes of doubt, approaching the Lord and His Word may seem counterintuitive. But, we can take steps to deal with doubt and the…
Hope anyway
Despair can cause pain and anxiety and can influence our choices in harmful ways. We explore why despair is so challenging, and offer hope for…
What does it mean to 'take up our cross daily'?
Easter can be a time to reflect on the Lord's death on the cross and its meaning in our lives. Explore the relationship between the…
3 truths to lean on
Whether you are in a state of doubt and despair or one of confidence in the Lord's identity and His presence in your life, explore…
Changing lives: a journey out of addiction and toward a new life of service.
Hannah's experiences at Bryn Athyn College, as well as her contact with the New Church religion, sparked an evolution in her own faith.
Seeking answers about doubt
The Easter story is one of great turmoil but, at the same time, of amazing miracles. Similarly, unsettling doubts and wonderful spiritual transformation can exist…
Small groups: questions Jesus asks us…
We have many questions for the Lord, but what questions does He have for us? Gather some friends together and utilize this small group outline…