Christmas daily readings

Each year, we offer daily Christmas readings to help you prepare for the true meaning of Christmas

Amidst all the Christmas preparations and festivities, the Lord invites us to reflect on the powerful reality of His birth into our world. We hope these Christmas readings will assist you in this process.

The Word of God holds within it countless truths, and each time we read it, we can see something new there.

Each daily email features a scriptural passage from the Christmas story, followed by readings touching on some aspect of the passage. At the end of the readings for each day is a set of reflections, together with some questions for consideration. The readings start December 1st and continue through Christmas. We wish you a peaceful, blessed holiday.

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Online Christmas readings discussion groups

We also offer a number of online (Zoom) groups for discussion of these readings during December. Groups meet weekly, and are available on various days and different times.

Daily Inspiration

"It is through wisdom that love has power."

True Christianity 748.2