Type of event: worship service
Date Recorded: 30 Aug, 2015
Location: Westville, RSA
Topics: Marriage / Conjugial Love
Its easy in any relationship – and marriage in particular – for a person to focus on asking, “What am I getting out of this?” Here we're looking at the ways we're called to flip that around, and focus instead on what we can give. Our first sermon, on the 30 August, will focus on the ways that we can put our partner's desires and the mutual needs of our marriage ahead of our own wants, without neglecting our own needs and desires.
Rev. Coleman Glenn
Date Recorded: 6 Sep, 2015
Location: Westville, RSA
Topics: Marriage / Conjugial Love
This week, we will talk about the need for a couple to look outward together: to find ways of serving the community, in particular (for some) by the way they raise a family, and in general (for all) by all the ways they work together for the good of society.
Rev. Coleman Glenn
Date Recorded: 13 Sep, 2015
Location: Westville, RSA
Topics: Marriage / Conjugial Love
Our final sermon in this series is about looking to the Lord in marriage. You may have heard people talk about the importance of having the Lord in your marriage but that can sound kind of ethereal and abstract. What does that look like? Does it make an actual difference? How does it make a difference?
Rev. Malcolm Smith