The essence of heavenby Rev. Derrick Lumsden

Type of Event: Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon

Date Recorded: 8 Nov, 2015
Location: Sarver, PA
Topics: Life After Death / Heaven, The Lord / God, Love / Peace / Happiness, Faith

The Lord Jesus Christ teaches us that heaven is hidden, that heaven is something to wait and be prepared for, and that heaven is within. The New Church teachings add that heaven and hell are known by their delights. Delights are hidden and we have to choose which delights to enjoy so that we can be in heaven and be prepared for eternal life in heaven.

John 14:1-4; Matt 13; Matt 25; CL 461; AC 8865


Rev. Derrick Lumsden


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"It is through wisdom that love has power."

True Christianity 748.2