One of our primary goals at General Church Outreach is to help all people explore and embrace the beautiful teachings of the New Church that are a path to a deep commitment with a loving God.
The theme of this issue is Easter. There are so many questions that come up in this story about the nature of God, the purpose of His time on earth, and the impact of His journey on our lives. We thought it would be useful to dedicate an entire issue to exploring some of these ideas.
One of the most inspiring parts of the Easter Story, for me, is knowing that the Lord knows my struggles and challenges and has already overcome them. Whatever I’m doing, I find great comfort knowing the Lord is with me.
May you feel the Lord’s presence as you remember the many things He has done and continues to do for you.
Blessings,BMK, General Church Outreach
Articles in this issue
Seeking answers about Easter
Why did Jesus die? What is the core message of the Easter story?
A message of love
The Lord's words on the cross hold a powerful message, one of love.
Readings to help prepare for Easter
Quotations to help you reflect on the Lord's presence in your life and what he accomplished through the crucifixion and resurrection.
When God seems absent
When we are walking through life it can seem that God is absent.
Can doubting lead to belief?
Belief is an intimate journey, one that may evolve over time or suddenly change. Consider this Biblical story as you reflect on your faith path.
Baptism & Holy Supper
There are 2 sacred commitments to show your faith and dedication to the Lord and a life according to His teachings.