Read more about Easter in these articles.
Wake up in safety
Easter 2020.
Easter message from Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss, Jr.
Easter 2019
Believing the good news
In the Easter story, why did the women see the risen Lord before the disciples did?
Easter 2018 – Walk with us
We all have hard times. Easter can remind us that there is a resurrection.
Easter – Choose life!
Happy Easter – what is it all about?
Celebrate the life that truly overcomes the world.
Palm Sunday – clothes on the road
In what way should we be putting our “clothes on the road” to make way for the Lord in our life?
Chasing light – Easter 2017
God is always very gently asking us to 'wake up.'
When God seems absent
When we are walking through life it can seem that God is absent.
Readings to help prepare for Easter
Quotations to help you reflect on the Lord's presence in your life and what he accomplished through the crucifixion and resurrection.
A message of love
The Lord's words on the cross hold a powerful message, one of love.
Seeking answers about Easter
Why did Jesus die? What is the core message of the Easter story?
Easter – dawn after the night
The dawning of the Lord in our lives comes after the night.
Jesus appears by the sea
After His resurrection, Jesus appears by the Sea of Galilee to His disciples.
Jesus is risen!
The story of Jesus' resurrection, as told in the gospel of John, chapter 20.
Easter 2016
Why did Jesus go through so many struggles?
Do life's tests and hardships benefit us in the long run? Bible stories about Jesus's life give us the answer.