Why heaven and hell are relevant todayby Rev. Malcolm Smith

Type of Event: Worship Service: Children's Talk & Adult Sermon

Date Recorded: 16 Jul, 2017
Location: Westville, RSA (www.newchurchwestville.co.za)
Topics: New Christianity

Heaven and hell can seem like fuzzy, distant, old-fashioned ideas – something from a different era, like fairytales with heroes and monsters. A lot of people today aren’t sure that heaven and hell even exist and those that do think they exist often think of them as something that will only be relevant later in life, when they’re getting ready to die. The New Church perspective is that heaven and hell are realities that we deal with every day and that what we believe about them can have a profound impact on our lives.


Rev. Malcolm Smith


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"It is through wisdom that love has power."

True Christianity 748.2