Explore truths for life within books of the Bible
The creation story
How can we rationalize the Bible's creation story with modern science?
Adam and Eve
In an English translation, these sound like names of ordinary people, but in Hebrew Adam is the word for “human” or “humankind.”
Cain and Abel
The story of Cain killing his brother Abel is not just a tale of murder, but represents how we are our brother’s keeper in many…
Noah's ark
The story of Noah and the flood represents the personal struggle and temptation that each of us faces in life—and the ways we can protect…
Tower of Babel
The desire to attain heavenly rewards only from and for oneself is pictured in the Word by the Tower of Babel.
Jacob and Esau
Love is our birthright. But early in our development, we might be willing to give up that birthright for things that promise immediate gratification.
Jacob's ladder
Jacob's dream of a ladder connecting earth and heaven represents the times when we remember with awe that the Lord has never left us.
Explore truths for life within books of the Bible
Slavery in Egypt
The children of Israel's enslavement in Egypt gives us a picture of our own lives when we feel stuck — trapped in some bad habit,…
Moses at the burning bush
The burning bush represents the Word of God, the Bible, the vehicle for the truth the Lord gives us.
The Passover feast
How can we bring the fiery inspiration of the burning bush down into the action of our lives?
Crossing the Red Sea
The Red Sea in this story symbolizes obstacles that stand in the way of our dreams. The Lord's solutions are bigger than our thinking.
Bitter waters turned sweet
Water stands for the truth. The Lord does give us truth, but at times the truth seems bitter. Why?
Water from rock
Water and rock illustrate two different kinds of truth — two different stages of our faith and trust in the Lord.
Manna in the wilderness
To gather and eat the bread from heaven means a change in our spiritual diet.
Supporting Moses' hands in battle
The Lord never allows us to experience a temptation or crisis that is so great it would take away our freedom. But sometimes we tire.
The ten commandments
Each commandment, in addition to being powerful in its literal meaning, contains deeper meanings that are applicable in our lives.