Read more about the nature of God in these articles.
Is Jesus the same as God?
Learn how to think about Jesus as a divine aspect of the one indivisible God.
Who is God?…Is Jesus God?
Identifying God is no small task. Getting a grasp on the infinite. If only there was a path to connect to this eternal love itself...
What is the true name of God?
Why does God want our gratitude?
God wants us to be grateful, and have humility. But it's for our sake, not His!
Is God angry?
The Bible contains images of a vengeful, jealous God. But is this image reality? Explore why God could seem angry, and yet is actually loving.
How do I have a relationship with someone I can’t see?
We can't have a relationship with a Force, but we can with a human being. Read suggestions on ways to connect with the Lord that…
Does the Lord need my love?
Christmastime can bring up a lot of questions about who God is, why He came to earth, and how we are supposed to interact with…
Abraham and Isaac (Bible study)
The story of Abraham being ordered to kill his son Isaac is a confusing one. It seems unlike a loving God. Rev. John Odhner explores…
Is there evidence for God?
It is sometimes said that there is no evidence for God? Hmmm?
Seeing a loving God in the stories of the Old Testament
A reader of the Old Testament can get a view of God as violent, angry, condemning, and vengeful. But study of the whole Bible shows…
Seeking answers: who is God?
The Word has much to say about God's identity. There's the Trinity: He is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There are His characteristics: omniscient,…
Who is God? – the New Church perspective
Creator of the universe…
How can we rationalize the concept of one God, with the concept of the Trinity?
Is God really jealous & angry?
God; love; kindness; and world religions.
Engage in readings from sacred texts about the beauty of the world created by the Divine.