Read more about heaven, angels, and life after death in these articles and videos.
Is heaven a place or a state of being?
Is heaven a destination? Yes and no.
Heaven vs. hell… is it a choice?
It is a choice; but how do you choose?
The fundamental difference between heaven and hell
If heaven and hell are real, what are they? What makes them different?
How do I get to heaven?
Does heaven seem far off and scary/ Unsure if you're "good enough" to get in? Exactly what does that path to heaven look like?
What happens when we die?
The afterlife is a massive mystery, and in this video, we detail what the New Church believes happens (both in general and step-by-step).
What dying feels like
Swedenborg's first-hand experience of what it was like to be brought through the dying process while still alive.
How are we judged by the ‘Book of Life’? (Rev. 20:12)
What is the purpose of a 'life review' after death?
Angels: loving and leading
Heaven is within us, and we are all wired to become angels. There is a part of us already there.
What happens after we die?
The "world of spirits" is the realm between heaven and hell where we first go after death. And the first things we'll experience there are…
Is life in heaven static, staying the same?
Have you ever thought about what life in heaven will be like? Will you get bored by harps, luxury, and the same thing every day?
The spiritual world is connected to our physical world
The physical and spiritual worlds are interdependent and intertwined. Let's contemplate how a growing plant represents the relationship.
Our yoke in the afterlife
The purpose of death
Is death necessary? Why the extra burden of suffering? Explore how death may be an essential piece of the divine design of life.
Do ghosts exist?
We all know what we're talking about when we use the word "ghosts." But what are they really? Do they actually exist?
Why heaven and hell are relevant today
Heaven and hell can seem like fuzzy, distant, old-fashioned ideas - something from a different era, like fairytales with heroes and monsters.
What is heaven?
Is heaven a place we can just walk into after death? Or is there more to it?
Will I still have autism in heaven?
What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?
The essence of heaven
What can deathbed conversations tell us about the afterlife?
Dr. Raymond Moody discusses his thesis about how the words of the dying may offer new revelation into life beyond death.
What happens when we die?
After we die, we each go through a series of stages before we can enter heaven. Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose describes what this process is…
Real challenges: connections with one who died
When someone we love dies, we want to continue feeling close to them. Are we able to still communicate with them or feel their presence?…
Questions about angels? (seeking answers)
Alan Cowley answers questions about who angels are, what they do, and what our relationship with them is like even here on earth.
Changing lives: I felt myself come out of my body
Blane's near-death experience has made a lasting effect on his life. Though dealing with his experience hasn't been easy, he has a sense of peace,…
What are Angels? The word means "messenger". Who are they and what role do they play in our lives?
What happens when I die?
Have you ever wondered what it is like to die? What happens after you die?
A day in Heaven
What if heaven could be experienced now? Right here, in our lives today. Is that possible?
Where do angels come from?
Is there an afterlife?
A day trip to the Afterlife
What happens when we die? It's a question that people have pondered for ages. Join us to look at an eyewitness account.
Rediscovering Heaven
Heaven is for real. Lets start there. It is not a place that we journey to. It is a place we open to.
Heaven and angels – the New Church perspective