Read more about happiness and fulfillment in these articles, videos, etc.
What is the meaning of life?
It's a little ostentatious to claim to know the answer, but our best guess (in short) is to find and spread happiness.
How do we achieve inner peace?
3 ways we undermine happiness
Why aren’t things going better?
The wrong question to ask.
What’s the point of life in this world?
Sometimes, in the midst of all the busyness and hard times in life, we need to take a step back and ask what’s the point?
3 simple steps
Do you feel inspired, or exhausted, by your regular commitments and engagements?
Finding happiness
True happiness doesn't come from getting whatever we want. Explore how happiness can flow like a current of electricity when a circuit is complete.
Am I enough?
From time-to-time most everyone will have negative feelings about themselves. It's part of the human existence. So what do we do with these feelings?
Good news – seeing clearly
We have a tendency to see what we want. If we desire to see reality, we have to keep coming back to the Lord.
Slowing down in a fast world
How do we learn to take less? In this era of technology, it's so hard to imagine actually slowing down, taking less. But maybe that…
Let your life speak
Are you happy in your job? Is the life you are living the same as the life that wants to live in you? Join us…
At peace with the puzzle
Life can be hard. We are often faced with a challenge of how to make the pieces of the puzzle in our life match up.…
Single, married, divorced
Is happiness dependent on our marital state? Join us as we explore being single, married, and divorced.
Church of mercy
Moving to what unites.
The comparison trap
We know the comparison trap has sprung if we are comparing more than enjoying. How do we get out of that dilemma?
Happiness and fulfillment – a spiritual perspective
The peace and joy of heaven is available to us
Happiness can be your choice
Change in our lives is rarely simple, neat and clean. How does one adjust to change and find a renewed sense of happiness?
What is the secret to being happy?
Rev. Derrick Lumsden shares perspectives from a New Christian spirituality about happiness, prayer and more.
How to be happy in your marriage
Carry the contentment and joy of your wedding day on into your life together.
The path to happiness (and why we resist it)
Explore how we are free to choose happiness and how our level of happiness is our own responsibility and not dependent on our circumstances.
Three steps to greater happiness
Here are three steps that can help you to experience greater happiness today.
Created for a purpose
Have you ever asked yourself the questions, "Why am I alive? Does my life matter? What is my purpose?"